Law with Heart
- We care about you.
- Clients come first.
- Compassion is not often associated with attorneys, but asserting a legal position does not require that an attorney ignore empathy and humility in how they deal with people.
- Our goals are centered on your needs.
Law with Strength
- Sound preparation creates an opportunity to succeed.
- Building a case requires strengthening its weakest areas and anticipating how it can be attacked so that we can create a winning strategy.
- Sometimes strength is not loud or boisterous, but is strategic and coordinated.
Law with Wisdom
- The best outcome is the one that is best for you and makes you happy, regardless of how we get there, and our first goal is to determine that answer.
- A good strategy is knowing what you want to achieve, and then analyzing all paths until we find those that can take you there.
- Sometimes there is not a clear answer, so we have to make "a round peg fit into a square hole."